019 The Architecture of Creative Learning

Dublin I London


LDN +44 (0)7446984448
DUB +353 (0)873857039


The Architecture of Creative Learning celebrates the innovation and creativity of Irish architects in the design of buildings for education, globally. Within the Irish Pavillion at the Dubai Expo, it presents nine architectural projects conceived and built by seven award-winning Irish practices within diverse international cultural and physical contexts.

Within this, it examines three themes present within these projects and Irish architecture broadly: conversation (an attention to the social potential of buildings); construction (an attention to the materiality and structure of buildings); and context (an attention to the influence of place on the design of buildings).

These themes form the basis of a series of conversations through models between the nine projects and a series of younger Irish architectural practices who have been commissioned to realise creative models that reinterpret and re-frame these buildings.

The project was done in collaboration with Dún-na-dTuar Architects (Cushendall), exhibiting with Plattenbau Studio (Berlin) and REIR (Dublin).

Inchicore Model School timber screen sketch © Donaghy + Dimond Architects